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  Game Projects  


Wild Brew is a puzzle adventure game where players craft potions to solve puzzle in the world. Players control Eli and his pet cauldron as they search for their grandmothers magic necklaces that was stolen by a giant plant.  

Design doc link: Here


An asymmetrical multiplayer PC game that is partially played on Twitch. The viewers of the stream control the movement and power-ups of a giant Godzilla-sized monster that is destroying the city. The Streamers controls the placement of turrets, mines, and other weapons that attack the monster.

Design doc link: Here

Aether Twins               

Aether Twins is a Co-op action adventure that lets two players make their way through an arena and out of a prison. Players work together, utilizing each other's abilities and countering any attacks that go against the other player.  

Windows download: Here


A deck building game that lets the players build their own Lovecraftien Monster. Players attack each other and take away the worshippers (health points) of their own players.

Design doc link: Here

    VR Projects    

Link to Global Game Jam page: Here

A VR game developed for the Global Game Jam 2017. You play as a blind swordsman that can only see by the sound waves that bounce off the walls. Purge the sacred realm of these wayward souls and grant them eternal sleep. Built for HTC Vive.

The Blind Swordman

Link to page: Here

Design doc link: Here

Hell and High water VR

A VR companion piece to ProPublica's "Hell and High Water" story. This project tells the story of the hurricane risk that exists in the Houston harbor as well as the economic and environmental impact it can have on the country.

Link to Apple Appstore: Here

Link to Google Playstore: Here

    UX Projects    


chefy is a food recipe making and sharing app that allows users to create their own original recipes and post them to the comunity. It is designed for people like to discover new recipes and share photos of food.  

Link to web prototype: Here

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